
Established in September 2013 with a noble mission, OBHIZATRIK School stands as a beacon of hope for the underprivileged and less-privileged children of our society. From a small start with only 25 students in an open field, OBHIZATRIK School has expanded into three branches: Mirpur and Rayerbazar in Dhaka, and Charlata in southern Patuakhali.

At OBHIZATRIK School, we believe in the transformative power of education, transcending boundaries of gender, race, class, or ethnicity. With a current enrolment of 600 students across our branches and a track record of nurturing 2500 young minds, we are committed to providing not just academic excellence but also holistic development.

In Bangladesh, about 52% of children who lack foundational reading skills are within the bottom two wealth quintiles (UNICEF, 2023). However, at OBHIZATRIK School, we strive to provide quality education to all children, regardless of their socio-economic background. Our enrolment rate has consistently been high, with a significant increase of 17.41% from 2022 to 2023 in our Mirpur branch (OBHIZATRIK Foundation, 2024).

While the national completion rate of primary education in Bangladesh stands at 83%, the completion rate of higher secondary education declines to 29% (World Bank, 2023). In contrast, OBHIZATRIK School boasts a passing rate of 200% in 2024 in the Mirpur branch (OBHIZATRIK Foundation, 2024).

Our student body consists of 44.94% boys and 59.06% girls. 

We pride ourselves on offering a well-rounded curriculum that nurtures the cognitive and physical well-being of every child, including those from underprivileged backgrounds. Central to our educational philosophy is the belief that every child deserves access to quality learning experiences that extend beyond the confines of their community.

Projects Under Education

At OBHIZATRIK School, we are deeply committed to promoting girls’ education and literacy as part of our mission to provide equal opportunities for all children, regardless of gender. We believe that empowering girls through education is not only a matter of justice and equality but also a powerful catalyst for social and economic development.

With a student body consisting of 59.06% girls, we recognize the importance of fostering an environment that supports and encourages their academic and personal growth. Through targeted initiatives and inclusive policies, we strive to address the unique challenges and barriers that girls may face in accessing and pursuing education.


Our impact

At a Glance

Impact with Education
Girls participation
0 %
Location Covered

The remarkable growth of Obhizatrik School is evident in its three branches located in Mirpur, Rayerbazar, and the recently established Latarchar branch. The establishment of the Latarchar campus was a momentous milestone, bringing education within reach for children who previously had to traverse arduous distances to attend school in distant villages. Prior to the advent of the school, many of these young souls were trapped in the darkness of child labor, devoid of the illuminating light of knowledge.

Through its comprehensive approach to education, Obhizatrik School weaves a tapestry of hope, resilience, and opportunity for underprivileged children. Recognizing that education is the most potent weapon for effecting societal change, the school, fortified by its dedicated volunteers and generous donors, strives to nurture these change-makers, empowering them to lead their communities towards a brighter tomorrow. In pursuit of eradicating illiteracy and uplifting the community, it serves as a beacon of empowerment, igniting a transformative spark within each student, paving the way for a brighter and more promising future.

Our Highlights: 

At OBHIZATRIK School, the inclusion of martial arts training for girls serves as a powerful tool in safeguarding against potential dangers while fostering personal growth. This transformative journey instills discipline, focus, and resilience, empowering girls to navigate the world with confidence and strength. 

An awareness campaign tailored specifically for females on the issues of early marriage and child labor is a crucial step towards empowering them with the necessary tools to combat these detrimental practices. Through educational workshops, girls and women are provided with vital information about the adverse effects of early marriage and child labor on their lives, emphasizing their right to education, health, and self-determination.

Family Planning Workshops play a pivotal role in empowering females by providing them with essential knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. These workshops offer a safe and inclusive space for women and girls to learn about various family planning methods, contraception options, and reproductive health services. 

Integrating SRHR sessions into the curriculum not only empowers female students with crucial knowledge but also fosters a culture of openness and understanding around reproductive health topics. Sanitary napkin booths on campus ensure easy access to menstrual hygiene products, promoting dignity and comfort during menstruation while also actively destigmatizing the topic by normalizing their availability.

Regular health checkups within the school setting not only monitor the well-being of female students and staff but also serve as a proactive measure for early detection of health concerns, emphasizing the importance of preventive care.

The significant presence of female teachers and administrators not only provides students with relatable role models but also fosters a supportive learning environment where diverse perspectives and experiences are valued, contributing to a more inclusive educational experience for all.


Story of Shathi and Apon

Shathi and Apon reside in Duaripara bholai Slum with their parents. Their father works as a Rickshaw puller and their mother works as a maid. They go to OBHIZATRIK School. Apon is a 2nd grader and Shathi is in Pre Edu. They come to school hand in hand and they are excelling in their academics. Shathi was inspired from her brother! And she wanted to study as well. From the streets of the slum to a civilized environment. We look forward to their success in the coming days.

Story of Shojb

I’m Shojib. I read in class 1. My father is a van puller and my mother works in houses as maid servant. I have a brother and 2 elder sisters .I live in Duaripara slum. I’m from bhola. I love to eat cake the most and love to play with my friends. I have a dream of being a Businessman. I need education for reaching my goal but my parents are unable to bear education expenses.Your support can change my life and my family will see to an end of miseries one day In Shaa Allah. Thanks.

Story of Meghla, a young-reader

First grader Meghla was enrolled in pre edu of OBHIZATRIK School last year, under the guardianship of Nandit Paul. Mr Paul came to visit Meghla today, they talked for a while and he inquired about Meghla’s interests and goals. He was thrilled to know that she loves to read books and promised Meghla to send some books for her next month. He will visit her again to share her learning’s.

Emon met his gurdian

Through the Sponsorship program, Emon’s education was sponsored by Mr. Athoi Rahman. He presently provides service at a private bank. Emon studies in grade 3 of OBHIZATRIK School, Mirpur branch. Last weekend Mr. Athoi Rahman paid a visit to our school to meet Emon. He spend a while interacting with Emon, asking about his studies, hobbies etc. They became close friends. This is how; you not only can sponsor a child’s education with only 1000 tk but can also become his guardian. This 1000 tk is properly utilized for the underprivileged child’s education, food, dress, stationeries and other necessities.


Donate to ensure equitable distribution of Qurbani

Note: All costs include transportation, slaughtering & distribution charge


Donate your Sadaqah for Community Development


Donate your Sadaqah for Eid Dress


Donate your Sadaqah for Eid Grocery


Donate your Sadaqah for ramadan Grocery

This Ramadan, let’s come together to brighten the lives of the underprivileged by ensuring they have healthy meals during the holy month. Your donation can make a meaningful impact on individuals and families facing economic hardships.


Donate your Sadaqah for Iftar

Many in our community struggle to afford a proper iftar meal. Your support can help us to organize iftar distribution programs, providing wholesome meals to those who need it the most. Let’s ensure that no one goes to bed hungry during this sacred month.


Help orphan kids to become a quran hafiz

If a child is orphan & poor then it makes them eligible for zakat and zakat amount may be given to such a child. Further if this child is doing Hifz Quran or receiving religious education then the zakat giver shall get the reward of propagating Islam and protecting religion as well. Zakat giver may choose to give Zakat to Orphans in Need during Ramadan, or can give it at any other stage of the year and it will be gratefully received and used to provide provisions for orphaned children. 


Help orphan kids for their school

Many orphan kids in our society are deprived of getting basic education because they don’t have parents who can pay for their school fees. Your zakat money can help an orphan kid to fulfill their dream to become an educated person. 


Donate Zakat for Treatment purpose

There are so many people suffering from serious illnesses in our society who are burdened by the overwhelming treatment costs. The treatment cost becomes a luxury when they can barely put food on their plate. Your zakat money can change these helpless lives.

The treatment money will be spent on small or big operation purposes, cancer treatment, chemotherapy, kidney dialysis etc.


Donate Zakat to create Livelihood

Zakat money can be donated to demolish poverty and ensure a maintainable life for the disadvantaged and destitute people by creating a source of sustainable income. The livelihood projects are as such–rickshaw, sewing machine, stall, cow, goat and many more. This can be selected based on the beneficiary’s needs and experience. 


Donate Zakat to repay debt

Zakat money can be distributed in whose income has fallen below a level sufficient to sustain his or her living needs and pay off one’s debt accumulated without extravagance qualifies as debt-ridden. Valid reasons for borrowing and debt accrual include: Essential needs of one’s family, debt during daughter’s marriage, medical bills, during building or buying a home for personal residence, natural disaster or accident that destroys one’s assets.


Donate Now


Donate Now


You can provide Iftar or Meal by donating

Donate to Provide Food


Donate for the cause

Donate to Health Care


Donate in Child Education

Donate to Make A Future


Donate for the cause

Be A Part Of Changing Bangladesh


Donate for the cause

Donate to Create a Livelihood