Become a Sponsor


Education is the only corridor to make a good human from a child. It is one of our main fields of work. With this aim OBHIZATRIK Foundation (government registered non-profitable organization) have executed a sustainable project named “OBHIZATRIK SCHOOL” where we are providing free of cost education with all the necessary materials to destitute children of Bangladesh so that they can extricate themselves from the clutches of poverty in the long run and make a place for themselves in the world as global citizens. Besides education, we also provide for the students’ nutritious food and health check-up on a regular basis. OBHIZATRIK School is registered under the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education and was established in 2013. 

Currently, we have three schools in Mirpur, Rayer Bazar branch from Dhaka city, and the first permanent campus in Char Lata from Patuakhali district with 600 students.


Your contribution of BDT 1,500 (USD 19 or AUD 26 or CAD 25) per month, per child, will cover all necessary education costs for the sponsored child(ren), i.e., tuition, books, uniforms, stationery, school bags, shoes, monthly health check-ups, and weekly nutritious food.