
Call for Volunteers: Project Green

We’ve all felt the importance of just a little shade in this year’s record-breaking heat wave. Tree plantation plays a vital role in reducing the effects of heat waves. Trees provide natural shade, lowering temperatures in the areas they cover. They cool the air through a process called evapotranspiration, where they release water vapor from their leaves, much like how sweating cools the human body. This process can significantly reduce the surrounding air temperature.
Around 4 people can meet their daily oxygen needs from one mature tree. June-July is usually the best time to plant trees. Therefore, OBHIZATRIK has taken the initiative of tree planting program in the designated places of 2 city corporations of Dhaka throughout the month of June. By choosing a variety of tree species and ensuring their proper maintenance, communities can create cooler, healthier environments that are better equipped to handle the increasing frequency and intensity of heat waves.
You can join us as a volunteer to give back to the environment through Project Green or collect free trees from us for your areas.

To register, fill up the form – https://forms.gle/X3GB4Brc9bUeiokD6

#Projectgreen #treeplantation2024 #OBHIZATRIK

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