Abu Saleh Mohammad Musa

Abu Saleh Mohammad Musa


Mr. Abu Saleh Mohammad Musa is the Managing Director of Innovative Development Practitioners and Thinkers (INDEPTH) Limited, a consultancy firm, which is providing consultancy services to an array of organizations like NGOs and multinational companies in research, organizational development, advertising, branding and public relations. Along with this he is also representing Fair Wage Network, based in Switzerland, as a Senior Consultant, providing his services to the project countries within the SouthEast Asian Region to support implementation of wage sustainability projects at different industries, including RMG sector and Leather Sector. Mr. Musa combines strong analytical, financial and management skills with expertise in research & evaluation, fund management, financial management, participatory appraisal & training, social performance management, microenterprise and business development. He is good at providing program oversights including budget management, developing technical and financial proposals for projects targeting to improve the livelihoods and socio-economic conditions of the poor and people living in distress. In recent years, he gained hands-on experience on value chain analysis of tannery sector in Bangladesh. Mr. Musa is a Certified Service Provider (CSP) for MicroSave in Market Research for Microfinance Toolkit and is trained to conduct Activity Based Costing (ABC). Mr. Musa has completed his MBA in Finance from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.