Our Programs

Our Programs

Education is the bend point for individuals to transcend their limitations. Underprivileged children lack the access for such advantage to go beyond their limitations. Many children in Bangladesh are not getting proper and quality education.

Bangladesh has been witnessed to a plethora of anti-poverty innovations, some of which such as micro credit and conditional cash transfers have gone on to win critical global acclaim. While these have contributed to significant transformation of poverty…

Proper nutrition is the substratum of human development. By our nutrition program not only the children but also the adult and aged group of underprivileged community are being benefitted.

At OBHIZATRIK Foundation, we demonstrate unwavering dedication to the comprehensive advancement of communities in diverse locations, including Savar, Mymensingh, Patuakhali, Rangpur, and Dhaka.

OBHIZATRIK Foundation recognizes the utmost significance of prompt and efficient action in times of crisis. Our steadfast volunteer network demonstrates unwavering commitment 

In Bangladesh, the condition of healthcare facilities for the disadvantaged and underprivileged group is poor which needs more attention. 

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