We Are Hiring: Partnership & Grants Department

Are you passionate about creating positive change in the world? Do you want to be the part of a dynamic team dedicated to making a lasting impact in our community? OBHIZATRIK is looking for motivated and compassionate individuals to join our mission. We are recruiting some energetic people for the following posts: Department: Partnership & […]

We Are Hiring: Livelihood Department

Are you passionate about creating positive change in the world? Do you want to be the part of a dynamic team dedicated to making a lasting impact in our community? OBHIZATRIK is looking for motivated and compassionate individuals to join our mission. We are recruiting some energetic people for the following posts: Department: Livelihood 1. […]

Empowering Women: OBHIZATRIK Wins ICESCO Award 2023

Thrilled to announce that OBHIZATRIK has been awarded the ICESCO Prize for Literacy of Girls and Women 2023 for our project ‘Empowering Extreme Poor Women (Shokkhom Nari)’ among organizations from 54 countries. On February 19 2024 (Monday), a hand over ceremony of ICESCO Prize for Literacy of Girls and Women (2023) was organized by Bangladesh […]

From poverty to stable income: Selim Mia’s untold story

A man who came from Barguna district with his wife and children in Dhaka to get out of poverty. His life was a daily grind of odd jobs, meager wages, and the constant struggle to put food on the table for his family. His dreams of a better life seemed distant, and the burden of […]

Pilot phase inauguration of Project Shakti: Lifting lives, reducing poverty

Project Shakti – EUPP (End ultra–poverty Program) is designed to bring ultra-poor households out of extreme poverty to a more stable state. We have decided to help those communities with various earning sources and they can return the amounts with 0% interest in weekly installments. On 4 November, the pilot phase of Shakti took place […]

When Dreams Shatter, Allah’s Mercy Restores: A Story of Resilience and Generosity

Delwar Haulader, a day laborer, was struggling to make ends meet with his wife from their small rented house. Amidst their struggles, their house and belongings were engulfed in flames just three days ago. Within moments, they found themselves homeless. Without wasting any time, they reached out to our team upon hearing the news. Our […]

একটি পরিবার একটি কম্বল

দেশের বিভিন্ন এলাকায় শীতের প্রকোপ বাড়তে শুরু করেছে।প্রতিবছরের মত এবছরও অভিযাত্রিক ফাউন্ডেশন চেস্টা করবে শীতার্ত মানুষগুলোর পাশে দাঁড়ানোর জন্য। এবছর আমরা মূলত রংপুর বিভাগের ২০টি বন্যার্ত এলাকা এবং রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থীদের মাঝে কম্বল বিতরণ করার জন্য কাজ শুরু করেছি। #Bank_Information:Acc Name: OBHIZATRIK FoundationAcc no: 00280210010529Trust Bank, Mirpur BranchSWIFT Code :TTBLBDDH #MOBILE_Banking:Bkash Personal: 01676526737 (Reference: WinterFund)Bkash Personal: […]

“সক্ষম প্রজেক্ট -২৯” প্রকল্প গ্রহিতা -“মাজেদা খাতুন”

অভিযাত্রিক ফাউন্ডেশন“সক্ষম প্রজেক্ট -২৯”প্রকল্পগ্রহিতা -“মাজেদা খাতুন” প্রকল্পের বয়স -৫ মাস মনের মত ভাল কাজগুলো গুছিয়ে করার ইচ্ছে ছিল আমার বহুদিন আগ থেকে কিন্তু সময় আর উপযুক্ত প্ল্যাটফর্ম এর অভাবে টার্গেট করা প্ল্যানগুলোর কারেক্ট এক্সিকিউট হচ্ছিল না। মাস ছয়েক আগে ফাউন্ডেশনটার একটা প্রজেক্টে চোখ পড়ল।..জামি দ্যা মোস্ট ট্যালেন্টেড বয় প্রজেক্ট সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত বললো।.. আমি পুরোটাই বুঝে নিয়ে […]

Shokkhom In pursuit of eradicating poverty

Shokkhom, a wing of OBHIZATRIK Foundation, was introduced in 2016 on a small scale with two hand-pulled rickshaw vans for selling vegetables. “The major target of introducing Shokkhom is to utilise zakat funds strategically as donations for social development,” says Ahmed Imtiaz Jami, the founder and president of OBHIZATRIK Foundation. The project, aimed at alleviating […]