
Celebrating 12years of Glory

The journey started with the sole reason of helping underprivileged children to have quality education, who were otherwise in the grasp of child labor for the sustenance of their family. In the year 2010, the idea matured into reality, with 4 selfless individuals.  This year, we have successfully commemorated 12 years of our expedition.

A 2 week-long festival, to celebrate the juveniles of our country in honor of OBHIZATRIK Foundation’s 12 years commemoration was held starting from 10th September up until 24th September. We arranged an integrated approach of creating awareness through various events and competitions. The competitions included: Online Photography Contest, Inter NGO and NPO School Art Contest, Story Telling through the eyes of our Youths, Sustainable Project Idea Innovation and Library Inauguration.

We concluded the festival, with a grand closing ceremony on 24th September at BICC with our sponsors, donors, beneficiaries and our students.

On the closing ceremony, we arranged a cultural segment for our students to perform and showcase their skills and learning. 

The program was inaugurated by our President, Ahmed Imtiaz Jami. 

He introduced our sustainable projects that includes: OBHIZATRIK SCHOOL, Shokkhom, Boat Ambulance, Food Hanger in collaboration with Daraz Cares etc. 

At present our school provides quality education to over 600 underprivileged children. Our Shokkhom project has helped over 1200 beneficiaries to acquire financial solvency. The boat ambulance has helped 20,000 who were in dire need in Charlata. Food Hanger project has been installed in 30 different locations to provide free food to the underprivileged population all around Dhaka. 

During the entire span of the global pandemic, OBHIZATRIK Foundation has stood beside 12 lac people. 

The event was attended by the representative from all of our corporate donor, individual donors and international donors. Representative from more than 20+ NGOs and iNGOs were present during our event. 

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Donate to ensure equitable distribution of Qurbani

Note: All costs include transportation, slaughtering & distribution charge


Donate your Sadaqah for Community Development


Donate your Sadaqah for Eid Dress


Donate your Sadaqah for Eid Grocery


Donate your Sadaqah for ramadan Grocery

This Ramadan, let’s come together to brighten the lives of the underprivileged by ensuring they have healthy meals during the holy month. Your donation can make a meaningful impact on individuals and families facing economic hardships.


Donate your Sadaqah for Iftar

Many in our community struggle to afford a proper iftar meal. Your support can help us to organize iftar distribution programs, providing wholesome meals to those who need it the most. Let’s ensure that no one goes to bed hungry during this sacred month.


Help orphan kids to become a quran hafiz

If a child is orphan & poor then it makes them eligible for zakat and zakat amount may be given to such a child. Further if this child is doing Hifz Quran or receiving religious education then the zakat giver shall get the reward of propagating Islam and protecting religion as well. Zakat giver may choose to give Zakat to Orphans in Need during Ramadan, or can give it at any other stage of the year and it will be gratefully received and used to provide provisions for orphaned children. 


Help orphan kids for their school

Many orphan kids in our society are deprived of getting basic education because they don’t have parents who can pay for their school fees. Your zakat money can help an orphan kid to fulfill their dream to become an educated person. 


Donate Zakat for Treatment purpose

There are so many people suffering from serious illnesses in our society who are burdened by the overwhelming treatment costs. The treatment cost becomes a luxury when they can barely put food on their plate. Your zakat money can change these helpless lives.

The treatment money will be spent on small or big operation purposes, cancer treatment, chemotherapy, kidney dialysis etc.


Donate Zakat to create Livelihood

Zakat money can be donated to demolish poverty and ensure a maintainable life for the disadvantaged and destitute people by creating a source of sustainable income. The livelihood projects are as such–rickshaw, sewing machine, stall, cow, goat and many more. This can be selected based on the beneficiary’s needs and experience. 


Donate Zakat to repay debt

Zakat money can be distributed in whose income has fallen below a level sufficient to sustain his or her living needs and pay off one’s debt accumulated without extravagance qualifies as debt-ridden. Valid reasons for borrowing and debt accrual include: Essential needs of one’s family, debt during daughter’s marriage, medical bills, during building or buying a home for personal residence, natural disaster or accident that destroys one’s assets.


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Donate Now


You can provide Iftar or Meal by donating

Donate to Provide Food


Donate for the cause

Donate to Health Care


Donate in Child Education

Donate to Make A Future


Donate for the cause

Be A Part Of Changing Bangladesh


Donate for the cause

Donate to Create a Livelihood